The only company in the world specialized solely in caraway seeds

The finest seeds for your product
Consistently perfect in shape and flavour, our seeds conquered the world’s bakeries, food, drink and spice industries – among many others.

Caraway seeds
Uniform in shape, weight, colour and flavour, our seeds are packed in 5 to 25 kg (10 to 50 lbs) bags and sold in quantities of 3 to 24 metric tons. The seeds can be Safesteril® steam sterilized for absolute microbiological purity.

Ground and crushed caraway
Because we only grind caraway seeds, we can ensure the purest ground caraway with no foreign smells or flavours. The caraway can be crushed or ground exactly to your specific particle size distribution.

Caraway oil
Our caraway essential oil is distilled gently from oil-rich Nordic seeds in a modern steam distillation plant using no additives. All our caraway oil is distilled from our own caraway seed cultivation in Finland.
Nordic Caraway is the world's largest caraway seed producer and processor

Innovating processing plants
The perfect seeds come from the production lines at Nordic Caraway processing plants, where each seed is individually sorted and selected. Specialized to clean and process only caraway seeds and boasting state-of-the-art equipment not found anywhere else, these highly specialized production plants are the world’s largest producers and processors of caraway seeds.

Each caraway batch is sampled, tested and documented. The backup -samples are stored for a longer period of time. This way, we can assure the full traceability and consistency of our quality.
Our sorting process involves several steps to remove weed seeds, too large and small caraway seeds and all other impurities to ensure even quality.
The caraway oil is distilled in ambient pressure without any additives using nothing but steam. Our distillation system utilizes the most modern German distillation technology.
Apart from standard qualities the caraway seeds can be also ground or crushed to any specified particle size distribution according to customer specification.
Metal detecting
Several magnets and metal detectors ensure there are no foreign objects in the product.
Metal detecting
Steam sterilization
For absolute purity, the caraway can be sterilized with minimal effect to the taste or oil content using the brand leading Safesteril® technology.
Steam sterilization
Nordic Caraway is dedicated to continuous innovation and development. Our production processes are validated constantly to ensure even quality and efficiency.
Packaging & sending
Packed in 5 to 25 kg (10–50 lbs) bags, caraway is sent to the waiting customers in Europe, North and South America and Asia. The normal delivery sizes vary from 3 to 24 metric tons.
Packaging & sending
From the Nordic fields...
Located in Finland, our caraway fields enjoy the sun that shines day and night in the summer. It ripens the seeds particularly aromatic and rich in essential oil. The cool climate also helps to reduce the need for pesticides. The adverse effects of monoculture are avoided by using effective crop rotation. Caraway actually improves the soil for other crops. With our optimized farming methods in the clean Nordic environment, we can ensure the purest end product with high oil content and low microbiological content, even size and colour as well as consistent quality.

From the Nordic fields
Located in Finland, our caraway fields enjoy the sun that shines day and night in the summer. It ripens the seeds particularly aromatic and rich in essential oil. The cool climate also helps to reduce the need for pesticides. The adverse effects of monoculture are avoided by using effective crop rotation. Caraway actually improves the soil for other crops. With our optimized farming methods in the clean Nordic environment, we can ensure the purest end product with high oil content and low microbiological content, even size and colour as well as consistent quality. our expert farmers
The backbone of our production is the network of contract farmers. Educated, professional and dedicated, they utilize the latest technology and continuously increase their know-how on caraway farming. Nordic Caraway works in close collaboration with several agricultural research centres to further optimize the production and spread the knowledge. We also keep in touch with our contract farmers with regular training days, meetings and a monthly newsletter.
People at Nordic Caraway
From contract farmers to our factory process operators, the people working for Nordic Caraway are dedicated to high quality caraway. We share the values of expertise and innovation as well as tidy and methodological way of working.

At Nordic Caraway Oy, sustainability is at the core of our business values and operations. As a leading producer of high-quality caraway seeds and caraway essential oil, we recognize the importance of preserving our environment, supporting our communities, and ensuring the long-term viability of our natural resources. We are committed to implementing and continuously improving practices that contribute to a more sustainable future.
Nordic Caraway Oy’s solar energy plants have almost a 1 MWp capacity, which ensures that our production processes are as eco-friendly as possible.
By choosing Nordic Caraway Oy, you as our customer and partner join us in our commitment to sustainability. Together we can cultivate a more sustainable world.